Clinical Supervision – workshop held at ISU by representatives of Haifa University
In September, 2017 a workshop facilitated by Prof. Rachel Yifat, (head of Communication Disorder Department at University of Haifa) and Naama Shahar was conducted at Ilia State University. The aim of the workshop was to support newly established Communication, Speech and Language Master Program in developing clinical supervision system.

Students at the University of Tuzla are introduced with characteristics of language development and procedures for analyzing child language. Learning activitities are presented to increase student knowledge of the prevention of speech and language disorders.

UES, Faculty of Medicine, Republic of Srpska, BiH, Department for Speech Language Pathology Foca, 14.10.2017
As a part of Erasmus + project „Assisting Better Communication“, at the University of East Satajevo, a training was held on the topic “Assessment and Interventions to Improve Work with Children with Autism spectrum disorders“. Educations were intended for doctors, speech therapists, psychologists and pedagogues. The aim of this course is acquiring theoretical and practical […]

Interdisciplinary meetings at Ilia State University in frames of ABC
In frames of ABC project several interdisciplinary meetings were held with participation of developmental psychologists, psycho-linguists and representatives of computer-linguists. As a result of these meetings a survey was planned aiming to investigate language acquisition of Georgian speaking children. The project is submitted to National Science Fund of Georgia.

Local Team Meetings in Israel
Representatives of the University of Haifa, Ono and Gordon Academic colleges are holding regular face to face or skype meeting with each other to make agreements on ABC project Quality Assurance Plan (which is prepared and sent to the project coordinator). Last meeting of Israeli team was held at Ono Academic College in order to […]

ToT Training at the University of Zagreb
In March, 2017 5 days training was conducted in frames of ABC project at the University of Zagreb. The topic of the training was: early identification and intervention strategies for children with hearing impairments and sign language. Representatives from Ilia State University, Step Forward, Georgian Portage Association, Universities of Tuzala and East-Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), […]

Local team meetings
In January 2017 ABC project participants from Ilia State University, GIPA, Georgian Portage Association and Step Forward- Georgia met in Batumi at Batumi State University to discuss ABC project work packages, each institution took time to summarize it’s tasks in project and presented it. The workshop also was devoted to familiarization with project administration, financial […]

ABC Kick-off meeting was held at University of Porto, in Portugal during 13-16 February, 2017.
All consortium members were participating in the meeting. Each participant has presented an information about prospective institution and a role of the institution in the project. During the meeting representatives of ABC thematic groups (communication, speech, language, hearing, stuttering, voice) was defined. Short and long terms of plans of the project were agreed and the […]
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