Round table: Interdiscipilinarity in Speech and Language Pathology: Current state and perspestives
On 30.11.2017, Department of Speech and Language Pathology at the University of Tuzla organized
During the round table Dr sc. Mirela Duranović, full professor, Department of Speech and Language Pathology at the University of Tuzla has presented a topic „Speech and Language Pathology as Interdisciplinary Science“.Dijana Rahmanović, research assistant speech was related to the„Role of speech and language pathologists in nerurological practice“.
Following topics were also discused in frames of round table:
Role of speech and language pathologists and audiologists at ORL Clinics“, Dr sc. Fuad Brkić, full professorm Medical faculty at the University of Tuzla and Head of the Clinic for Otorhynolaryngology, Cervicofacial and Maxillofacial Surgery, University Clinical Center Tuzla
“Multidisciplinary and multisectoral approach to the child and family”, Prim. Dr. Vesna Dropić, pediatrician and founder of the Center for Early Growth and Development at the Tuzla Health Center
“Multidisciplinary team for application of augmentative and alternative communication “, Dr sc Nadica Jovanović-Simić, full professor, Department of Speech and Language Pathology at the University of Belgrade and University of East Sarajevo
“Teamwork of Logopedists and Psychologists“, Dr. sc Elvis Vardo, associate professor, Department of Psychology-Pedagogy at the University of Tuzla
„Corelation Between Speech and Language Pathology and Linguistics “, Dr sc. Amira Hadžagić-Turbić, associate professor, Department of the Bosnian Language and Literature at the University of Tuzla