Isabel Monterey’s lecture at Batumi Public Library
On April 18, 2019 at the Batumi Public Library the seminar was held for parents of children with hearing disorders and specialists working in this field. Professor of Health School of Aveiro University and doctor of Medicine Isabel Monteiro Da Costa presented to attendants: Listen, Think and Learn – 10 golden principles of Auditory Verbal […]

Isabel Monteiro’s public lecture at Batumi University
On April 17, 2019 in the framework of the EU funded ERASMUS+ project ABC-Assisting Better Communication, Professor of Health School at the Aveiro University and Doctor of Medicine, Isabel Monteiro Da Costa delivered a public lecture at Batumi State University on the theme Auditory Verbal Therapy – Listen to Talk. Public lecture was attended by […]

The European Day of Language and Speech Therapy celebrated first time in Georgia
The European Language and Speech Therapy Association (CPLOL) annually marks the day of European Language and Speech therapy on March 6. The subject in 2019 was Autism Spectrum Disorder. First time in Georgia, Ilia State University’s Child Development Institute and “Georgian Language and Speech Therapists Association” have joined the event on March 6. A public […]

On November 4, 2018, in the framework of EU funded ERSMUS + project: ABC – Assisting Better Communication, the Portuguese language and speech therapist João Canossa Dias, writer Alex Chighvinadze and Illustrator Ana Janelidze shared their outlook on the children’s literature and literacy. The meeting held in the format of informal conversation discussed various relevant […]

On December 4, 2018, in the framework of EU funded ERSMUS + project: ABC – Assisting Better Communication, Professors from Zagreb University: Marina Milkovich, Lubita Pribanic and Iva Hrastinski held a meeting with the teachers of public school N 203. The school is specialized for children with hearing disorders. Professionals from Zagreb University […]

On December 5, 2018 Ilia State University Book House “Ligamus” hosted a public lecture “Myths and Reality on Sign Language”. Professor Marina Milkovich, Professor of Zagreb University, delivered a public lecture in the framework of EU funded ERSMUS + project: ABC – Assisting Better Communication. Public lecture was attended by students of Ilia State University, […]

On 26th and 17th December, 2019, interdisciplinary meetings were held at Frontline Club and Ilia State University. The meeting aimed discussing professional ethics and professional regulation, the issues of communication in the field of language and speech therapy. The meeting was attended by students and lecturers of Communication Language and Speech Therapy Masters Program, as […]

UES, Faculty of Medicine, Republic of Srpska, BiH, Department for Speech Language Pathology Foca, 19.11.2018.
As a part of Erasmus + project „Assisting Better Communication“, training at the Resource Center “Ray of Hope” in Foca was held on the topic “ASSESSMENT AND INTERVENTIONS FOR IMPROVING COMMUNICATION IN CHILDREN”. The training was held for the parents of children with disabilities who are users of the services of the Center “Ray of […]

Public Lecture ” Dis lekcija “
In the framework of the Erasmus + project “Assisting Better Communication”, 9.10.2018. at 18.00h in the “Kaleidoscope” Hall, a public lecture “Dis lekcija” was held. The lecture was organized on the occasion of the International Day of Dislexics with the aim of spreading awareness of what dyslexia is, how to recognize dyslexic people and how […]

Round table entitled “Prevention and early detection of health disorders in children and children with disabilities”
Within the Erasmus + project “Assisting Better Communication”, October 18, 2018. at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of East Sarajevo, a round table entitled “Prevention and early detection of health disorders in children and children with disabilities” was organized. The round table was attended by 60 experts from various professions: family medicine physicians, […]

Teaching flexibility workshop “Assisting better communication” held in Israel
Teaching flexibility workshop “Assisting better communication” was held in Israel, at Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Haifa and at Ono Academic College, from 12th to 14th February 2018. Aims of this TOT were acquiring new knowledge, insights and skills within modern development in a field of speech and language pathology and the […]

Round table: Interdiscipilinarity in Speech and Language Pathology: Current state and perspestives
On 30.11.2017, Department of Speech and Language Pathology at the University of Tuzla organized During the round table Dr sc. Mirela Duranović, full professor, Department of Speech and Language Pathology at the University of Tuzla has presented a topic „Speech and Language Pathology as Interdisciplinary Science“.Dijana Rahmanović, research assistant speech was related to the„Role of speech and language […]

ABC Poster on ERFCON conference
On the ERFCON conference – 9th International Conference of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences of the University of Zagreb a poster on the project of the Assissting Better Communication ABC was presented by the project team. Croatia_ABC_poster at ERFCON conference_2017

ToT Training at the University of Groningen
In June, 2017 3 days workshop was conducted in frames of ABC project at the University of Groningen. The topic of the training were: Assessment of Communication and Alternative Communication. Representatives from Ilia State University, Georgian Portage Association, Universities of Tuzala and East-Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), University of Haifa, Gordon and Ono Academic Colleges (Israel) […]

ToT Training at the University of Aveiro
In September, 2017 5 days training was conducted in frames of ABC project at the University of Aveiro. The topics of the training were: stuttering and fluency disorders, voice disorders, feeding and swallowing disorders, hearing impairments and Aphasia. The training has also covered several topics of teaching flexibility. Representatives from Ilia State University, Batumi State […]
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