Workshop Hearing impairments, Assessment and Intervention
In Summer 2019 in the framework of the EU funded ERASMUS+ project ABC-Assisting Better Communication, Speech and Language Therapist from ONO Academic College, Israel, Adi Twik delivered 3 day workshop at Ilia State University: Hearing impairments, Assessment and Intervention. Public lecture was attended by master students of Communication, Speech and Language Therapy at Ilia State University, as […]

Significant improvement of practical and research work at the Department of Speech Therapy and Audiology
The Department of Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences purchased equipment worth 18,000 euros as part of the Erasmus + project “Assisting better communication” funded by the European Commission. Books, tests for assessment of speech-language status, laptops, i-pads, software, headsets, were acquired in order to better educate […]

International Conference – Speech and language Therapy
On 3-4 October, 2019, International Conference in Communication, Speech and Language Therapy was held in Batumi, in frames of ERASMUS + project ABC Erasmus + ABC- Assisting Better Communication. During the conference members of the project consortium from Netherlands, Portugal and Israel presented topics on such important issues as : Promote communication development in children […]

Student mobility
In frames of ABC project students from beneficiary countries: Georgia, Israeli and Bosnia@Herzegovina had an opportunity to spend 2 weeks in the Universities of Partner European countries. Prior to their visit special criteria of student selection was elaborated among consortium members. Gordon Academic College contributed to it and it was decided to select students according […]

Communication in early Childhood
n June 2019, a workshop for parents of children with communication difficulties was held in Tbilisi and Batumi organized by Step Forward and Georgian Portage Association. Workshop participants were provided with up-to-date approaches to working with children with communication disorders – how to develop communication skills in a variety of situations, what is the role […]

Roundtable on Ethics, Standards and Identity of Educational and Rehabilitation Specialist Held at University of Tuzla
Roundtable on “Ethics, Standards and Identity of Educational and Rehabilitation Specialist” was held on March 2, 2018 in the Amphitheater 2, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Tuzla, under the auspices of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, University of Tuzla, all within the Erasmus + project : Assisting Better Communication. The beginning of the round […]

European Day of Speech and Language Pathology
The Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Faculty of the University of Tuzla in cooperation with the Public Institution for Preschool Education “Our Child” and the Center for Early Growth and Development of the Health Center “Dr Mustafa Sehovic” Tuzla celebrated the European Day of Speech Therapy on 06.03.2019. In order to raise awareness of the […]

Public lecture “Creativity Outside the Box”
When it comes to the work of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation, University of Tuzla, in addition to regular teaching activities, a series of workshops, lectures and round tables are organized, aimed at improving the knowledge of teaching staff. A block of lectures on a topic “Creativity outside the box” was held in the […]
Speech- Language Therapy Application
Speech therapist application was created as one of the activities of the Erasmus + project “Assisting Better Communication” funded by European Commission with aim of improving the speech-language therapist’s practical work. The speech-language therapy application is available online. Each user will have their own profile, where they have to be registered and get their username […]

Trainer training and public lecture held in Sarajevo
Within the regular program activities and professional training of members of the Association of Defectologists of Canton Sarajevo “STOL” and within the framework of the Erasmus + project “Assisting Better Communication” on Saturday 22.12.2018. at 14: 00h at the “Mjedenica” Institute, a lecture was held on the stopic of “Dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties”. […]

Significant improvement of practical and research work at the Department of Speech Therapy and Audiology
The Department of Speech and Language Pathology and Audiology of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences purchased equipment worth 18,000 euros as part of the Erasmus + project “Assisting better communication” funded by the European Commission. Books, tests for assessment of speech-language status, laptops, i-pads, software, headsets, were acquired in order to better educate […]

Student Conference in Language and Speech Therapy
Within the framework of the ABC project, on June 22, 2019, the Frontline Georgia Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) organized a student conference in which students of Ilia State University, Tbilisi State University and Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA) participated. At the conference, students presented the results of their research in communication, language and […]

ToT trainings conducted within the ABC project
Within the framework of the project three ToT training was conducted in Portugal, Croatia and the Netherlands. Within the framework of the training, participants from Georgia, Israel and Bosnia Herzegovina had the opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements of these countries in the field of communication, language and speech, attend various types of workshops […]

Public Lecture “Let’s think about communication”
On 3rd of May, 2019 in Frontline Club Georgia, in framework of the EU funded ERASMUS+ project ABC-Assisting Better Communication, Speech and Language Therapists from the University of Aveiro Maria Assunsao Matos and Joao Canossa Dias delivered a public “Let’s think about communication”. Public lecture was attended by lecturers and students from Ilia State University, […]

Vada Kraiser’s Workshop
In May, 2019 in the framework of the EU funded ERASMUS+ project ABC-Assisting Better Communication, Speech and Language Therapist from Gordon Academic College, Israel, Varda Kreiser delivered 3 day workshop at Ilia State University: Language Intervention in Preschool Children. Public lecture was attended by master students of Communication, Speech and Language Therapy at Ilia State […]
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